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Extending RSS(4)

作者:傲气战歌网     来源:www.27zg.com    发表时间:2014-03-14 02:02

RSS 1.0's strong point is its use of the RDF model, which enables information to be represented in a consistent fashion. This model is backed by a formal specification which provides well-defined semantics. From this point of view, RSS 1.0 becomes just another vocabulary that uses the framework. In contrast, outside of the relationships between the handful of syndication-specific terms defined in its specification, RSS 2.0 simply doesn't have a model. There's no consistent means of interpreting material from other namespaces that may appear in an RSS 2.0 document. It's a semantic void. But it doesn't have to be that way since it's relatively straightforward to map to the RDF framework and use that model.

The scope of applications is often extended, and depending on how you look at it, it's either enhancement or feature creep. Either way, it usually means diminishing returns -- the greater distance from the core domain you get, the more additional work is required for every new piece of functionality. But if you look at the web as one big application, then we can to get a lot more functionality with only a little more effort.

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  • Postscript
    2004-08-18 02:53:28 Danny Ayers
  • real-world use?
    2003-08-03 11:42:58 Bob DuCharme
  • real-world use?
    2003-08-03 23:38:44 Danny Ayers
  • Extending RSS 2.0
    2003-07-24 05:01:43 Danny Ayers
  • ssr namespace declaration
    2003-07-24 00:44:17 bryan rasmussen
  • ssr namespace declaration
    2003-07-24 00:53:57 Edd Dumbill
  • 1 to 4 of 4



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