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作者:傲气战歌网     来源:www.27zg.com    发表时间:2014-03-14 02:01

"Three years back we had a client requirement for developing an asset tracking solution that required data acquisition from different data sources. I was assigned the role of DBA. With no practical experience in database administration, I was clueless on how to proceed. Thanks to the guidance and support of Experts Exchange's vast talent pool, I was able to complete the data integration process in less than a week's time, which saved our company more than $2000 worth of man-hours and got me a promotion!"

Sherkar Bhurshan

RFID Consultant at Aplomb Global IT Consultants

"My Staff and I use EE on a daily bases to solve all kinds of issues. One answer can be worth the cost of a lifetime membership! For example, we ran into a bunch of problems when migrating our Exchange environment from 2003 to 2010. We kept running into issues and repeatedly the best and most detailed info was coming from Experts Exchange. One of the last issues was getting active sync and OWA published correctly and the partners we were using were struggling for hours. Finally I decided to go look for my own answers and was able to find what was looking for on Experts Exchange. It was a life saver!"

Jakub Hanson

Director of Infrastructure at Noel Group LLC

"A few years back, I worked for a British bank in compliance. When the bank sold its trading department to an American company, the compliance systems had to change rapidly to avoid managers being charged with not submitting compliance reports to the government, which would have been a criminal offence. Experts Exchange helped me get the job done on time."

Murray Brown

Programmer at Murbro Ltd



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